Boryana Todorova

Actress / Performer / Assistant Director

On avait de bonnes dents

(We had a good teeth)

What would the Work look like if it were seen in a museum showcase? What would we look at this activity: the Work, inscribed in the heart of our lives, if we could look at it from a distance, as a mysterious, foreign thing? What would we think if we could observe the Labor era as we are observing an ancient world?

Museum of old and forgotten crafts, Work-Passion will amaze you with its automata, dioramas and reconstructions truer than life! Garden of Salaried Statues; Park of ancestral know-how; Vivarium vintage conditions: everything is done to make you relive the Great era of Labor!

Created with a transgenerational team of inhabitants of Péruwelzis, mixing amateur and professional actors, the project superimposes documentary elements and fantasy projections. And we ask these questions: "Work, quèsaco? Which one, and how? And, why, in the end, why? "

A funny and sensitive show, more eccentric than nostalgic, tripping through the corridors of time.

Role : Actress
Projet type : Intergenerational and interprofessional theatrical creation
Creation year : November 2018
Stage director Céline Estenne / Set design & Costumes Bastien Poncelet / Light design & technical director Guillaume Deconinck
With : Claudie Delbecq, Luc Delcourt, Micheline Blondiau, René Desclée, Héloïse Duhot, Stanislas Frêteur, Audrey Giloteau, Jean-Louis Langlais, Violine Langlais, Hugo Messina & Boryana Todorova
Premiere : 23 novembre 2018, Foyer Culturel Arrêt 59, Peruwelz (BE)
With the help of : La Fabrique de Théâtre & Ag' Y Sont asbl
Website :,

Photographe : Arrêt 59