Boryana Todorova

Actress / Performer / Assistant Director

L'inquiétude d'être au monde

(Being and anxiety)

Based on the eponymous book by Camille de Toledo, written in reaction to the events in Norway on the island of Utoya in 2011, the performance offers a lucid look at the "impermanence" of the new century. The references, the bases of our societies seem to waver, abandoning people to the emptiness. How can we live in a world that never stops? Who is this man of the new century facing the disappearance - disappearance of the values, of the ideals - without marks to approach life that surrounds him? Nine young actors transmit us by their words and by their bodies the disturbing vertigo of the 21st century.

Role : Actress
Project type : Theatrical creation
Creation year : April, May, June 2013, September, October, December 2014
Stage Director & scenography Pascal Crochet / Lights Sophie Ferro
Actors : Adélaïde Huet, Alizée Larsimont, Anton Kouzemin, Boryana Todorova, Brice Mariaule, François Maquet, Gaëlle Gillis, Mathieu Hanin & Michel Collige
Premier : 2 of October 2014, Théâtre de la Vie, Brussels (BE)
Website :

Photographe : Robert Bui